+++ This Blessing List is now closed. Please sign up here to receive blessings again next week. See you there! +++
Thanks to everybody who signed up this week – may these blessings bring you good things!
Update: On reader request, I published my thoughts on “a year of giving blessings”. Don’t forget to come back for signing up after you’ve read them!
Once a week, on Wednesday, I bless everybody who has requested it for the current week.
The process is simple:
If you would like to be included in the blessings, leave a comment to the current blessing post by Tuesday at the latest.
I will perform the blessing ceremony at some point on Wednesday, and bless everybody who has left a comment by Tuesday.*
All times listed are in German time (i.e. EST+6, apart from the few weeks a year when the US switches to and from daylight savings at a different time than Germany). Please plan accordingly.
I will only bless people who have explicitly requested it in a comment to the current week’s blessing post. I.e. if you would like to be blessed again next week, you will need to comment again.
(To do that, you can come back at any point during the week. I put up the next Blessing List right when I close the preceding one, so you can sign up for the next blessing whenever it’s convenient for you.)
You can also request blessings for other people (or, for that matter, for pets, plants, …) – as long as you have their explicit consent, or you are their rightful “guardian” (e.g. parents for their underage kids; legal caretakers for people with dementia; owners of pets or gardens for their pets or gardens; …).
So… if you would like to receive my blessings this upcoming Wednesday, or if you have any questions, please leave a comment below!
You can use your real name, a nickname of your choice, or comment anonymously.
Please feel free to also share the link to the Blessing List with other people who are interested in being blessed. Everybody is welcome to sign up.
About the blessing itself: During the ceremony, I send a “generic” blessing to everybody on the list, which also includes intentions for health, protection, and divine guidance. I also respectfully ask for blessings from their respective deities during this general part of the cermony for those who have a relationship with a specific deity or deities.
(If you don’t feel comfortable sharing your personal religious beliefs on a public forum, there is no need to list them, as I will do this general part in any case. I trust that your personal deities will know who you are and will, hopefully, respond favourably to this general request. 🙂 If you do mention a specific deity or other divine being in your comment, I will add an extra request to this particular deity and ask them to bestow their blessings upon you, too.)
If there is anything in particular you’d like me to focus on, you can add that to your comment (in just a few words, please!). I will then include this intention specifically for you, but also keep you in the general blessing.**
And if you’d like to know more about the blessings first, you can read the behind-the-scenes-take here – but don’t forget to come back and sign up afterwards! 🙂
For those of you who’d also like to bless others and aren’t sure how to start, I’ve posted a practical guide: Blessing: How to Get Started in 9 Simple Steps.
One final note: I’ll do my best to approve comments in a timely manner, but I am not glued to my screen. It might occasionally take a day or two for your comment to be approved. Thanks for your patience!
* I’m not dogmatic about this deadline. The Tuesday cutoff is simply to make sure I see your request in time, and it will be included for sure. Any comments left after midnight on Tuesday (German time) might or might not be read before the blessing, and might or might not be included.
** I’m not a physician or other health professional. If you have any health issues you’d like me to include, I’m happy to add them – but please remember that a blessing by a random stranger on the internet does not replace a competent medical treatment. Just sayin’…
Marko says
Hallo Regine,
I usually do this after the weekly magic Monday, but this time, let’s do it quick. 🙂
We, myself Viktoria and the little one, would very much appreciate a blessing this week.
Best regards,
Regine says
Hi again,
Nice to have you back again right away! 🙂 Hope things are calming down a bit,
Courtney Coleman says
Hello Regine and thank you for the offer of Blessings which I gratefully request.
I don’t ask for anything specific as The Heavens know best what I need.
Thanks again!
Courtney Coleman
Regine says
Hi Courtney,
Thanks for signing up, and I’ll gladly include you. 🙂
Cliff says
Hi! I could use some blessing right now.
Regine says
Hi Cliff,
I‘ll be happy to include you. All the best to you,
Rebecca says
Hello! With much appreciation and gratitude my household (R&T) would love a blessing. Thank you in advance.
Regine says
Hi Rebecca,
I‘ll gladly do that. All the best to you and the „rest“ of your household,
Angelique says
Hi Regine, thank you so much for this offer of blessings. I would much appreciate a blessing for my aunt who is in the process of passing and one of clear divine guidance for me please.
Thank you so very much.
Regine says
Hi Angelique,
Noted, and I wish both of you all the best for this challenging time,
BoulderLovin Cat says
Hi, Regine,
I would like to request a general blessing. I want to let you know I requested a general blessing in the Fall, when I was buying a house and things kept going wrong. For the next week I was calm and able to navigate everything smoothly, and ended up finally closing on my house. I appreciate the blessings you sent my way at that time! Catherine
Regine says
Hi BoulderLovinCat,
Thanks a lot for the report – glad to hear the purchase went smoothly at the end. 🙂
I‘ll be happy to include you on Wednesday, and please feel free to sign up at any time again, even (or especially? 😉 ) if there is no „big issue“,
Rusty says
Yes please been a harsh start to the New Year!
Regine says
Hi Rusty,
Ouch! Sorry to hear that, and I hope things will turn to the better for you soon. 🙂
Kevin says
I’d like to request a blessing for my sister. The prayer I suggested on JMG’s forum went something like this –
“May Kevin’s sister Cynthia be cured of the delusions and hallucinations that afflict her mind. May she be swiftly and safely healed of the physical condition that appears to have triggered them.”
I include this so you have some idea of what is going on with her.
Thank you so much.
Regine says
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for posting it here! 🙂 I’ll gladly include her. Just to be sure, it’s only her who wants a blessing, right, i.e. you don’t want one for yourself? (I’m not trying to pressure you into one, just clarifying…)
Kevin says
Hi Regine. I certainly wouldn’t mind having a blessing, since I’m deeply exhausted and could really use a break. But my sister is the one who’s most severely afflicted. So it’s at your discretion.
BTW, in case there’s any doubt, my sister when in her right mind has on several occasions given permission for magic and prayer to be done on her behalf.
Regine says
Hi Kevin,
No need to feel bad about requesting one for yourself! 🙂 The blessings are freely offered to everybody who wants to sign up. (Folks don‘t eve need a reason to do so, btw, just „I want one“ is good enough for me! 😉 )
I‘ve put you on the list,
Regine says
Just saw your healing request to Kyle on MM, and wanted to mention if your mother wants to be included on Wednesday as well, please let me know. You’re not the only one to sign up several people, and I really don’t mind. And also, if you feel the blessings help even a bit, please don’t hesitate to come back and sign up for future weeks. 🙂
Either way, all the best to you,
Justin Moore says
Hi Regine,
I will be glad to receive another general blessing. I like to offer one in return as well. Thanks for going so deep into this practice and with such regularity.
Regine says
Hey Justin,
Welcome back again! 🙂 Glad to include you, and yep, I’d very much appreciate yours in return. Thanks for asking!
The way I see it, you’re also going into the practice pretty regularly, just in a different way, aren’t you? 😉
Jeff says
Hi Regine,
A blessing this week very much appreciated. Still stuck in a rough beginning to the new year.
And blessing to you if you would.
Regine says
Hi Jeff,
Gladly, and yep please – and I’m very sorry to hear you’re still in that rough spot. May life treat you more kindly this week, and for the rest of the year! 🙂
Valerie says
Thanks and greetings from the Nickel, Regine! We’re back with a request for more blessings. 🙏
Vicki appreciated your kind comment last week.
Sadly, Shirleen has developed occasional severe muscle spasms. If you would add a special blessing to comfort her, that would be much appreciated.
May I continue to send you blessings as well?
Thanks for your generosity!
Valerie, Trevor, Shirleen, Vanessa, and Vicki
Regine says
Hi Valerie,
Oh dear, that’s difficult and must hurt. I hope she’ll be better soon.
I’ll gladly include the lot of you, as always, and yep, please do send me yours this week, too! 🙂
Jennifer Kobernik says
Hi Regine! Thank you very much for last week’s blessing. I would like to be blessed again this week, please. Still hoping for my baby to turn!
Regine says
Hi Jennifer,
Gladly! Just you (and the baby, I suppose, since that’s kinda tied into this thing)? Or the rest of your family, too?
Matt says
Hi Regine!
Hope you are well this week. I would gladly accept a blessing this week. I have a relationship with Sul.
My blessings to you!
Regine says
Hey Matt,
Welcome back! 🙂 Noted. I‘m fine, thanks, and I hope all is going well on your end,
Jon says
Hello, Regine.
I would like to ask for a blessing this week, things are right now are tough–but good.
With thanks and respect,
Regine says
Hi Jon,
Though-but-good sounds interesting… 😉 I‘ll gladly include you, thanks for signing up!
RandomActsOfKarma says
I would like a blessing, please!
Regine says
Hey Random,
Welcome back! 🙂 I’ve put you on the list,
V.O.G says
Hi Regine,
I hope I’m not too late here – I’d appreciate a blessing this week too, please. As always, I offer mine in return! And thank you!
— V.O.G
Regine says
Hey V.O.G.,
Not too late at all – it’s only Tuesday yet! 😀 Noted, and thanks, I’d appreciate your blessings in return,
James says
Good evening Regine! I hope this is not too late. I would like a blessing if you see this comment in time. I have a relationship with Aphrodite and have just started a new romantic relationship that has immense potential for both of us (I hope!) Of course, I hope this is not an inappropriate request and apologize if so. I occasionally post over at JMG’s sites as Jed, but my real name is below. Thank you for this generous offer!
Regine says
Hi James,
Not too late at all – we’re still well into Tuesday. (And I usually don’t do the cutoff right at midnight, but some time on Wednesday. The midnight deadline is just to be on the safe side.)
It’s not inappropriate to ask for a blessing for you. I wouldn’t want to infringe on the partner in your relationship, unless you have their explicit consent, but something like “may the relationship be blessed for everyone’s good”, or something along these lines (feel free to rephrase, please), would be well within my limits. How does that sound?
And either way, I’m more than happy to bless you, and also to respectfully ask Aphrodite for her blessings on you.
James says
Thank you Regine, that sounds good to me!
Regine says
Perfect! 🙂
Ochre Harebrained Curmudgeon says
Hello, Regine,
I made it here just in the nick of time, this week! I’d be most grateful for a blessing. Thank you for your faithfulness in doing this.
Regine says
Glad to have you here again! 🙂 Thanks for signing up – and I hope your week will be a good one,
Annette Simard says
Hi Regine.
Please include me, my homestead and my business in your blessing this week.
Regine says
Hi Annette,
Gladly, and thanks for signing up.
All the best to you and your endeavours,