On reader request, I’ve set up an email notification system.
Actually, in more prosaic terms, it’s a mailing list – the “system” which notifies people when new content goes up is yours truly. I.e. I simply send an email to the list when I publish something new.
Since there are different kinds of content on The Hidden Things, I’ve split the mailing list up into (currently) three subgroups:
- Weekly Blessings
- Modern Order of Essenes
- Essays and other stuff
You can sign up for any of these groups (or, of course, for all of them).
In Weekly Blessings, you’ll be notified when a new blessing post goes live, or if there are any news concerning my blessing offer.
If you sign up for the Modern Order of Essenes emails, you’ll get an email when I post a new lesson in the Modern Order of Essenes online course, but also for any news or posts related to the MOE, including new dates for attunements.
And Essays and Other Stuff means just that – an email notification whenever I post an essay, but also the odd announement or other odds and ends.
Important: When you sign up, you do need to checkmark at least one of the groups, or you won’t receive any emails at all!
Finally, it should go without saying, but there are no strings attached, I won’t sell your email or spam you with offers for nail fungus treatments, and you can of course unsubscribe or change your preferred segments at any time.
The signup form is right below this message, available through the main menu via the entry “Emails”, and also right below any of my posts – I hope this helps! ๐
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