This is for all those of you who are interested in the Modern Order of Essenes…
… maybe you’ve always wanted to start, but never quite got to it. Or you think it sounds interesting, but you’ve never felt up to tackling it. Or you started, but then fell off the bandwagon. Or you’ve done the work up to whatever point, but you feel you’d profit from repeating certain things.
For all of you, I’ve got good news. 🙂
Starting in February 2025, I’m going to offer a free online course for the Modern Order of Essenes here on the The HIdden Things.
My plan is as follows:
When JMG first published the material, it was a huge data dump. That’s no criticism, btw – there is a ton of material, and properly working it up would take a lot of time and energy.
And while I know from personal experience that it is possible to learn all the MOE things from the material as he published it, it can certainly be daunting to stare at this pile.
Thus my plan for this online course is as follows:
Every other week, I’ll put up a new post here on my website in order to structure the material. Each post will contain a list of things to be done or practiced in the next fortnight, complete with references to the relevant material etc.
Where I feel it’s appropriate, I will also add some additional comments or observations to the material.
The posts will stay open for the foreseeable future. I.e. the participants can use the comment sections to ask questions and to interact with each other and build up a community. (How much or how little everybody comments is of course up to them!)
There is no need to sign up, no fee, and any comments can be completely anonymous.
I’ve mapped out the material in a way which I think is doable for people who have a job, family and other things “on the side” – but of course a certain amount of work is involved when learning something new.
I reckon that about half an hour a day of practice and study time, in one piece or split up over the day, will get you very far – that’s on average, btw. Some weeks it’ll be a bit more, some weeks a bit less. If you can put in more, that’s great, and if you can put in less, or can’t practice every day, you’ll either be fine as well, or you just follow along in your own speed and take a bit more time. (In the latter case, the comment sections will still be there for you to interact and ask questions!)
The course will start on Sunday, February 16th 2025 (or at least that’s the current plan). This should leave everybody enough time to make up their mind and, if necessary, to free up some time each week. (It’ll also leave me enough time to prepare the material… 😉 )
It will lead you all the way to the Apprentice attunement. According to my current plan, it’ll take us until end of July/early August to get that far (but of course, no plan survives the first contact with reality, so this and certain other things might well change as we progress).
After the Apprentice attunement, if there is any interest, I’d be open to continuing the course on the Healer level – but we’ll talk about that later.
For now, it would help me to know if anybody is interested in this offer at all. Are you interested, but not sure yet? Are you chomping at the bit to start? Do you have any questions? Please leave me a comment below.
RandomActsOfKarma says
I am interested. Is it possible you can set it up to email people when a new post is up? Thank you!
Regine says
Hey Random,
Thanks for raising your hand, that‘s great! 🙂
Good idea about the emails. I‘ll need to ponder how to best do this to both keep my own workload at a minimum, and at the same time to make sure it‘s via a means which has a reasonable chance of not landing in everybody‘s spam. Let me see what I can come up with, ok?
Rebecca says
I am interested! Thanks for the offering.
Regine says
Hi Rebecca,
That‘s awesome, thanks to you, too, for raising your hand!
Regine says
Actually, to you and to everybody else: I‘ll post more infos when we get closer, but there‘s nothing you‘d need to „prepare“ or so – just show up, do the work, interact, and have fun along the way… 😉
If you should have any questions or comments until then, the comment section to this post stays open and I‘ll continue to monitor it. So please just ask/comment away!
Free Rain says
hi Regine
I am interested too, in fact it is very syncronistic this popped up now for me!
Regine says
Hi Free Rain,
Great. Glad to have you on board,
gnat says
I am interested in learning more, and will look at your other post describing the teachings. I currently don’t know anything, other than it is a practiced centered on healing (I hope I got at least that much right).
I have a long standing interest (and some experience) with Reiki, various forms of deep tissue massage, chiropractic; acupuncture; and have been musing, recently, that if I had more time (or could otherwise manage the schedule), I’d be interested in learning about herbal medicine (the Covid fiasco opened me to alternatives).
I’m guessing this is mostly about a form of “energy” healing, perhaps akin to Reikei, but maybe without any physical touch element?? (I don’t know if even that guess is correct).
What types of disorders are amenable to this mode of healing? Is it appropriate to use on oneself? When wouldn’t you use this sort modality, or expect it to maybe not be the best fit?
Regine says
Hi Gnat,
These are great questions, thanks for asking!
I‘ve never practiced Reiki, so please take my answers in that regard with a pinch of salt. But yes, in my limited understanding, Reiki and the Modern Order of Essenes are both forms of energetic healing working through similar modes.
I can‘t speak for Reiki, of course, but the MOE combines very well with things like massage and herbal healing, and imo (without having actually tried the combinations) should also work well together with chiropractic and acupuncture.
Acupuncture and similar modes might require an acupuncturist who is sensitive to the powers of the MOE in order to dose things right and avoid overload/interference in sensitive people, but for most people, this won‘t be an issue. For the same reason, I probably wouldn‘t combine Reiki and MOE (unless somebody is practicing both and knows very well what they are doing).
Yes, it‘s „energy“ healing, and there is no touch involved. Although „healing“ is a very broad concept in the MOE. It works on many levels, e.g. emotional, intellectual, spiritual, etheric. For example, I‘ve used it to very good effect to „treat“ somebody close to me in acutely stressful situations, with them becoming calm, centered and upbeat again.
I‘m afraid I can‘t say much about physical effects since I‘m not a licensed professional. From my personal experience, I‘ve used MOE techniques on family members in situations which we decided could well be treated at home, and to good effect. That doesn‘t make it a magic wand – there were instances where the MOE didn‘t change much at first, but in hindsight, the respective physical issues in these situations were usually due to „higher level problems“, e.g. emotional resistance to a certain situation. Once that had resolved, the physical also cleared.
(That‘s not to say that all physical issues are due to emotional blockages. But the strength of the MOE is that it will just as well, if not better, help with things on these „higher“ levels. Sometimes it just takes time to percolate down to the physical level.)
Yes, it‘s totally appropriate to use on oneself. In fact, the MOE work, done regularly, will first and foremost influence the practitioner him/herself. Again, a lot of this influence is well above the physical level.
E.g. one of the first techniques in the course is the so-called „Blessing Walk“. Regular practice of the Blessing Walk will change yourself, and your attitude and behaviour towards others – and then, interestingly enough, over time also the attitude and behaviour of others towards you. These are subtle effects at first, but they are very real.
When would I not use it: For physical health issues which I deem to be outside of „home remedy territory“, I‘d use the MOE alongside whatever other treatments there are, but not on its own. To give a blatant example, I wouldn‘t treat broken bones without professional help, but I‘d certainly use the MOE techniques on top of that professional help. I.e. to me it‘s not a matter of either-or. And again the MOE has strengths well above the physical level. E.g. its ability to help people cope with stressful situations could be very helpful in instances of severe illness.
Other than that, in my experience it‘s more a matter of which technique to use when. Some of the MOE techniques are better suited to issues on certain levels than others. (Again, that doesn‘t make it a magic wand. There is no healing modality which will work in any situation, for every person, all the time!)
In sum, it’s not just that physical healing has its issues, in particular legal ones unless you are a licensed professional. It‘s also that the other effects of the MOE work, on other levels, to me are worth a lot more. Unfortunately, they are also the hardest to understand and to appreciate until one does the work. 🙂
Hope this helps. If you should have any other questions, please shoot away. And if you‘re still curious, please feel free to start out with us to get a feeling for things. If at any time you should decide it‘s not for you, you can just stop and go do something else with your time.
(With one exception: Once you have gotten an attunement, I recommend to continue the practice for a little while in order to help the attunement energies settle down. But by that time, I suppose you‘ll have made up your mind whether the MOE is for you or not… 😉 )
There are no obligations with this course – although I hope it‘ll help some of you to stick to the work if there is a shared commitment of sorts. 🙂
Fiona says
I’m interested, too. Thank you for putting this together!
Regine says
Hi Fiona,
You‘re very welcome. I‘m very much looking forward to this course. Thanks for raising your hand,
Mikkel says
Hallo Regine
Danke für Dein Angebot.
Gerne nehme ich an diesem Kurs teil.
Regine says
Hallo Mikkel,
das freut mich. Danke für die Rückmeldung!
MJ says
Thank you so much for your kind generosity, Regine, in doing this. Hoping this will help my ‘will’ to get with the program and see it through to the end. I benefit a lot from having some type of ‘accountability’ even though I’m very clear that no one will be monitoring what I do per se. Community is very helpful, though and I will enjoy knowing there is a community out there doing this work, too.
Regine says
Hi MJ,
Glad to have you on board. I think a lot of people profit from a bit of accountability on occasion, even if the accountability is just in our heads… 😉
As for the community, to some extent it depends on all of you. The more you folks will interact in the comments, the more community there will be. I can only offer the platform! 🙂
Bei Dawei says
To-ga! To-ga!
We now consecrate the bonds of obedience…
(from 1’40”)
Regine says
Hi Bei Dawei,
I‘m afraid I‘ve no clue what you‘re trying to tell me. (I also don‘t do video.) Care to explain? 🙂
Bei Dawei says
You know, Essenes? They wore togas, right?
“Toga parties” were popularized among US college fraternities and sororities by the 1978 movie “Animal House” (whose breakout star, John Belushi, is seen in the first clip calling for such a party to be held). The idea was that a Greek-letter organization–the names of fraternities and sororities traditionally consist of Greek-letter initials–would naturally feel drawn to other elements of classical Greek culture (wearing bedsheets, debauchery, etc.). It would be no exaggeration to say that the movie transformed American campus life, into the boozey bachanalia of the 1980s, through the waves of students attempting to replicate the dissolute lifestyle of Delta Tau Chi. A true classic.
The second clip depicts a cultic initiation scene from the same movie, but representing a rival fraternity. It centers on the buttocks of a young Kevin Bacon, who incidentally turns out to be connected to everyone in the universe by no more than six degrees of separation. On all fours, and clad only in tighty-whiteys, Bacon’s character ritually thanks his robed tormentor for spanking him, then begs to be spanked again. (Germans love this part.)
Regine says
lol – gotcha! Thanks for the detailed explanation.
It seems I was at a severe disadvantage there: Lacking not just some cultural background about fraternities and the necessary TV background, but also in the firm conviction that togas are Roman, Greek letters are, well, Greek, and the Essenes were a Jewish sect. This was too much to square for me… 😛
But your comment sparks some interesting ideas for attunements. Hm. It might be good that the attunements will all be done on distance – at least that way, people won’t have to worry about spankings… 😀
Andrea Jesch says
Hallo Regine, vielen Dank für dieses Angebot. Ich habe schon seit einiger Zeit daran gedacht, den Kurs zu machen. Ich bin dabei!
Herzliche Grüsse, Andrea
Regine says
Hallo Andrea,
dann passt es ja super. Freut mich, dass du dabei bist! 🙂
RL Lee says
Oh, yes please! The timing of this post is uncanny. I would love to join in as well.
Regine says
Hi RL,
It’s amazing how many people are saying the exact same thing. That’s a good omen for the course, methinks… 🙂
In any case, glad to have you on board!
Sarah Chenkin says
The timing is right for me as well. Thanks for your kindness.
Regine says
Hi Sarah,
There must be something in the air, huh? Glad to hear you’re in, though. I’m very much looking forward to the course with you folks.
Atmospheric River says
I am interested. I worked on theblessing walk before and then at some point let it lapse, so this shouldinspire me to keep at it
Regine says
Hi Atmoshperic River,
In this case, I hope it will inspire you! Glad to have you on board,
Ridgely says
I think I’m interested too, schedule allowing…
Regine says
Hi Ridgely,
I’ve tried to set things out in a way which is doable next to a normal life, but of course,there is some time commitment involved. You’re very welcome to start out with us and simply do things in your own speed. There will still be interaction, community and commitment, you might just take a bit longer than some others for the material. That won’t be a problem at all (at least not for me…). 🙂
Ashton says
I’m very interested! I’ve been interested for a while but for whatever reason, I’ve felt a lot of resistance to spiritual practice lately. probably just stems from being stressed. looking forward to learning and growing with you all 🙂
Regine says
Hi Ashton,
Welcome and I hope the time is right for you, then! 🙂 Glad to have you on board,
Gray Hat says
Thank you for this. I will be attentive. Denn das Verweilende / erst weiht uns ein.
Regine says
Mein Erbteil wie herrlich, weit und breit!
Die Zeit ist mein Besitz, mein Acker ist die Zeit.
Daniel L says
This is interesting to me. I started working through the material but didn’t follow through previously. Thanks for offering your services as a guide!
Regine says
Hi Daniel,
You‘re very welcome. I‘m very glad people are picking it up, as it really is a very beneficial course.
Glad to have you on board,
Mark says
Hello, long-time follower of JMG going back to Archdruid days. I also tried this on my own but did not keep up. I’m hoping I will have better results in a more regimented environment. Looking forward to the classes.
Best regards,
Regine says
Hi Mark,
Glad to have you on board, too, and kudos to you for starting it again,
Paedrig says
Hello! I have been fascinated by the ancient Essene order since I first learned about them years ago. Their simplicity and path of spiritual purification and ascenscion seems truly inspiring to me. Finding out you are starting this correnspondence course on my birthday is truly a sign I should join you on this journey! I would love to be included, and would appreciate any advice you can give me in preparation for going through your initiation.
Regine says
Hi Paedrig,
Great to have you as part of the group, and yep, I agree – that sounds like a nice „coincidence“… 😉
I do want to stress, though, that the MOE work isn‘t related to the ancient Essene order, despite the name. I.e. the claim that „this is what the ancient Essenes did for healing“ seems to be a matter of marketing, and not of historical facts.
But still, if the ancient Essene path fascinates you, I think you could do worse than start this course. There is a lot of „food for thought“ in the theoretical lessons, for example. And you don‘t have to accept it at face value, but are encouraged to digest it and build your own opinion about it.
Contrasting this material with what you know about the ancient Essenes might be a worthwhile experience for you in particular. And you‘ll be very welcome to share and discuss your thoughts and insights in the comment sections.
(That‘s not to say that the practical side of the course won‘t be valuable to you, though! 😀 )
In any case, I‘m very much looking forward to the course,